About Us

Alex and I met in May of 2008 and started dating. We fell for each other quickly and got engaged in January 2009. In May 2009 we were married and have been loving life since. We hope you enjoy a "bird's eye view" of our lives.

Monday, March 15, 2010

A quick overview of the year so far.

The year has been pretty uneventful so far but here are 5 highlights:

1.The first of the year started with a celebration at Mom's house with Hilarye, Reid and Sadie. This is what we did...

We always think that the tress will never grow back after we are done with them, but sure enough... every year they return. It's a yearly battle, and the trees always win.
2. Our first Valentines Day married was a little unconventional; it was spent apart. I was up in North Dakota at a girls' scrap retreat weekend. These are some of the things I did there:

Everyone put all of their scraps on my table because I used anything and everything on the cards I made. I also started this wonderful blog there. I am still trying to figure the whole thing out. Bare with me.
I wanted to show Alex two things from the trip up north: how deep the snow was....
and how in-the-middle-of-no-where we really were.
3. I got to see a de-icer in action for the first time. I am usually totally out by the time the plane gets to the de-icing station. It was pretty cool.

4. Alex must have missed me because this was waiting for me when I got home.
5. And the last highlight of the year so far is getting to be able to spend some time with my adorable niece Sadie Grace.

1 comment:

  1. WHHOO HOOO! Two first comments in one day :) I love the birds in the background and your year highlights were fun to read and see. I've never seen a de-icer either- The Fuller gene usually has us out as soon as the we hit the seat! You DO realize that I'm the only non-blogger out of five now, pressure's on.

