About Us

Alex and I met in May of 2008 and started dating. We fell for each other quickly and got engaged in January 2009. In May 2009 we were married and have been loving life since. We hope you enjoy a "bird's eye view" of our lives.

Monday, April 26, 2010

A New Pet

Those of you who know us well know that we have two rather random pets, a bird that can't stay quiet, and gets rather annoying at times and a tarantula. Both of these pets were handed down to us, and we love them... most days.
Well now that I have been home for the last week I actually see the back "yard" in the day time. I was looking out there one day and thought I saw a leaf. Now that I look back on this thought, we don't have any trees near our back yard, so good one Chelsie. As I looked a little harder out the back door I noticed that this leaf had two stems. Reality struck and I went outside to look at was was really laying on our patio, and from the looks of it, it seems to have been there all winter. Yep it is what you think it is. Alex went and got a little garden shovel and had to walk all the way around our building to throw it out because there is now way I was letting him walk through the house with that thing. So we had a third pet in a way for the winter, and now we are back down to two.

