About Us

Alex and I met in May of 2008 and started dating. We fell for each other quickly and got engaged in January 2009. In May 2009 we were married and have been loving life since. We hope you enjoy a "bird's eye view" of our lives.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Uncle Mel

One of the kindest most generous, loving, charitable men I have ever known passed away the end of March, my Uncle Mel. Even though I didn't see him all that often he was always there for me when I needed him. He was the person that introduced me to one of my great loves, Lake Powell. He was one to stop by the house on his way to or from California to catch up. He was one of the people that dropped me off at the MTC. Visited me on my mission the transfer I started getting sick (shhh don't tell). And was in California to pick me up at the end of my mission. He even drove some of my things back to Utah for me when we didn't have enough room in my luggage. He was a great man and will be greatly missed.

He told me that everything would be alright and that he was proud of me for going on a mission.

In LA, he had just gotten done with a week of Temple service and decided to search the patrion apartments where I lived to find me. One of the sisters told me that a man was looking for me and he told her that he was my uncle. She told me that he seemed too old to be my uncle. It was so fun to see him. He was the first to know in my entire family that I cut had all of my hair off, I had done it earlier that day.

At the end of my mission he came to the Temple with my parents and all of the missionaries going home. He spent the last hours that I had in LA with us. This is what we found after the missionary testimony meeting that only parents were allowed at.

Whenever he would stop by in Hurricane, he would ask Dad if he needed help with anything. Dad always seemed to need help, and Uncle Mel never hesitated to help where he could.

On my way home to Hurricane to get surgery in 2008, I hit something in the road and got two flat tires (along with two bent rims). This was at 5am in the morning might I add. Uncle Mel came to help me right away. We went back north to Nephi, and when we couldn't get new rims, he drove me all the way down to St. George for my pre opp checkup. After my appointment was over, he drove me mom and my rims to Richfield to get new ones, then back up to Nephi to put the new ones on my car for me. He then followed me for about 10 miles making sure that everything was alright with my car before he returning home. He taught me one of the most important lessons in life, to put others before you. He was always so happy and I know it is because of the way he lived.

Back up north after a whole day helping me.

Mom and Uncle Mel in the front, me the tires and the Rims in the back. It was a really long day for all of us.

He refused to let me help so I took pictures of the process.

All I have is good memories of Uncle Mel. He was constantly teaching me and I am so grateful that I got the opportunity to spend some time with him in this life. The world isn't the same without him but I know that he is in a better place now.... with his sweethearts.


  1. OK, So I couldn't wait. Loved this post!! He lived the gospel everyday :)

  2. Loved reliving some of you special moments with Uncle Mel, he was so special! Miss him, but agree with you he's happier. I think it also makes him happy knowing you learned from him.

