About Us

Alex and I met in May of 2008 and started dating. We fell for each other quickly and got engaged in January 2009. In May 2009 we were married and have been loving life since. We hope you enjoy a "bird's eye view" of our lives.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Blood Drive Disaster

One Sunday they were passing around a blood drive sign up in Primary. I told Alex that he should do it because I can't give blood and he can. He really doesn't like needles and for that reason has stayed away from blood drives his entire life. I signed him up. The Wednesday of the blood drive came and Alex had had a really stressful day. He said he didn't want to go but again I made him because he had signed up and they were expecting him. He almost couldn't give blood because his heart rate and blood pressure were really high. He passed and got to the chair. I kept him distracted when the needle went in and he was actually doing really well. Then he said he was getting light headed, I told him to take some deep breaths and when he said it was not getting better I grabbed someone right away. They were worried because he felt sick and got hot and was light headed and more. They grabbed ice packs and put them on his feet and down his shirt to cool him down. Long story a little shorter; they had to pull the needle with the blood bag only half full. We heard one of the helpers say, "that's a shame". We learned that because there is such a high content of blood thinners in each blood bag, if they don't get the full amount they have to throw it out because it isn't good. So not only did Alex have one of the worst experiences in his life, it didn't even matter because the blood got thrown out. He was NOT happy with me after. Ever since then, when the blood drive sign up comes around the primary I get a scowl like the one below. I will never live that one down.

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